The average gallop of a horse is 45 mph.
At 20 mph, a car is moving at about 29.3 feet per second.
The speed of light is 186,282 miles per second.
77.73 feet every second.
It depends on the distance the race is run over and the track conditions but generally 5 lengths to the second is a good guide.
Secretariat won the 1973 Belmont by 31 lengths in 2:24 flat.
The average gallop of a horse is 45 mph.
That depends on vehicle speed. At 60 mph a vehicle covers 88 feet in one second. It also depends on the length of the car, but assuming the average car is 15 feet in length, it takes less than 2 tenths of a second to travel one "car length" at 60 mph. So in one second, the average car covers almost 6 car lengths! Double the speed - 120 mph - and that same car covers 176 feet in one second; more than half the length of a football field.
depends on its speed buddy
less than a second if a mirror a second
It varies. A typical tornado might travel about 5 kilometers. However, many tornadoes have path lengths of less than a kilometer. In rare cases a tornado may have a path lengths of 200 kilometers or more. The longest path ever recorded for a tornado was 352 kilometers.
The short answer is two. Purchase one versatile zoom which will cover a range of focal lengths. Your second lens should be a small, lightweight prime lens.
300,000 km/second
186000 mps