(!7)/(!2.!2) =1260
There are no 7 letter words that can be formed from the letters of the word MARBLE, because MARBLE only has six letters.
It is 720.
Words like LASER and BODMAS, are acronyms.
8 different 4-letter words can be formed from the letters of the word "Nation".
It depends. In the absence of multiple words to be formed on an existing word on the scrabble board, that word has to be at least, a four letter word (no blank tiles) where the first letter is given (on the scrabble board) adding to that letter are combination of one and/or two ten points letter tiles and one and/or two one point letter tiles which are vowels. Or, could be: on the fifth grid, a seven letter word (no blank tiles) where the first word is a two letter word, and is given (on the scrabble board) and adding to that word are combination of two ten points letter tiles and three one point letter tiles which are vowels; or, a six letter word (no blank tiles) where the first letter is given (on the scrabble board) adding to that letter are combination of one and/or two ten points letter tiles and one and/or two and/or three one point letter tiles which are vowels.
35 four letter words can be formed. 35 four letter words can be formed. 35 four letter words can be formed.
They're for any letter you want. If you place it, you can choose what letter you want it to be. :)
(!7)/(!2.!2) =1260
Same as in Scrabble - as any letter you like.
The number of sites that contain the word friends is actually uncountable.
They are blank tiles, you can choose any letter for them however they have no point value. Once you designate the letter to the tile it cannot be changed, exactly like Scrabble.
Words that can be formed using BLOTT with two blank tiles:BlottedBlotterBottlerBottlesTotable
Sure. The points are based on the number of tiles provided, the number of words that contain the letter, and the difficulty in finding words to use the letter.
You could always use an anagram solver, to find the possible words that can be formed. The anagram solver has found:3 letter words:ChiHicIchJib2 letter words:BiHi