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10,108,800 assuming that leading 0s are not allowed in the 3-digit numbers; that the licence authorities do not block some letter combinations because they are rude, and letters that might be confused with numbers (O and 0, I and 1, Z and 2, S and 5, B and 8) are all permitted.

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Q: How many license plates can be made using three digits and three letters without repetitions of letters and digits?
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Allowing repetitions, there are 9 combinations. Without repeated digits, there is only one combination of 3 digits from 3.

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How many different ways can a license plate be made containing two letters and three digits with repetition of the numbers and letters not allowed?

There are 676,000 ways to make the license plates.

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How many license plates with 3 decimal digits followed by 3 letters can you build if you are not allowed to repeat digits and you are not allowed to repeat letters?

3 decimal digits without repeats can form (10 x 9 x 8) = 720 distinct displays.For each of these . . .3 letters without repeats can form (26 x 25 x 24) = 15,600 distinct displays.Combine them on one plate, and there are (720) x (15,600) = 11,232,000 distinct displays available.

How many license plates can be made using three digits and three letters without repetition and alternating letters and digits?

If it alternates and you start with a letter, then there are 11,232,000 permutations. Then if you start with a number and alternate, there are another 11,232,000 permutations, for a total of 22,464,000 permutations. If you exclude the letters I, S, B, and O (because they look kind-of like 1, 5, 8, & 0 - kind-of important on license plates) then you are down to 6,652,800 & 13,305,600 respectively.

How many license plate combination are possible if you can use 3 letters and 2 digits?

This depends on if you want repeats or not (or the state you are in) with repeats it is: 26x26x26x10x10= 1,757,600 without repeats it is: 26x25x24x10x9=1,560,000

How many 3 digit numbers can be made using the digits 2 3 4 5 and 6 without repetitions?

There are 5*4*3 = 60 such numbers.

How many 3 letter and 3-digit license plates can Uncle Pennybags make with no repeated digits or letters?


If automobile license plates consist of two letters followed by four digits how many different license plates ae possible if letters and numbers can be repeated?

There are 26 possible letters and 10 possible numbers. The number of license plates possible is then 26*26*10*10*10*10 = 6760000.