Not enough information. You would need to multiply three linear measurements to get a volume.
Cubic inches in a box = volume of box (in cubic inches) = Length * Breadth * Height, where each of these three is given in inches.
Three acres three inches deep is 403.33 cubic yards.
A linear unit is used to measure length or distance whereas a cubic unit is used to measure volumes. A cubic unit may defined as a cubic measure (eg a litre) or it could be composed of three linear units (eg cubic centimetre), or a square unit and a linear one (acre-foot). This last combination is rare in the SI system because the linear units are more easily linked to square and cubic units.
1 cubic foot = (12 x 12 x 12) = 1,728 cubic inches3 cubic feet = (3 x 1,728) = 5,184 cubic inches
A cubic yard is a cube that measures one (linear) yard on each edge. There are 36 inches to the (linear) yard. To calculate the volume of a cube, raise the length of its edge to the power of three. (In other words, V = L cubed.) The answer is: 46656
Inches in and of themselves cannot be converted to cubic inches because inches are linear and cubic inches are volumetric dimensions. But if you have a solid with dimensions measured in inches, then to determine the number of cubic inches, you multiply length x width x height. If all three sides are identical, then you can cube one side (s3) to get the volume.
You have given three dimensions; square feet has only two dimensions. Do you mean cubic feet?
Not enough information. You would need to multiply three linear measurements to get a volume.
Linear inch is a measurement invented by the airlines. Measure your bag's length, width, and height in inches and add the three dimensions together to find how many 'linear' inches it measures.
Three cubic inches equates to 49.16cc
There are no inches in a cubic foot, but there are 1,728 cubic inches.1 cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches9 cubic feet = 15,552 cubic inches
Cubic inches in a box = volume of box (in cubic inches) = Length * Breadth * Height, where each of these three is given in inches.
Three acres three inches deep is 403.33 cubic yards.
To find the volume in cubic meters, first convert all measurements to meters: 4 inches = 0.1016 meters, 288 inches = 7.3152 meters, and 384 inches = 9.7536 meters. Then, multiply the three dimensions: 0.1016 meters x 7.3152 meters x 9.7536 meters = 0.7225 cubic meters. So, the floor that is 4 inches thick, 288 inches wide, and 384 inches long has a volume of 0.7225 cubic meters.
To determine the number of inches in 0.39 cubic feet, we first need to convert cubic feet to cubic inches. Since 1 cubic foot is equal to 1728 cubic inches (12 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches), we can multiply 0.39 cubic feet by 1728 to get the equivalent in cubic inches. This calculation results in 673.92 cubic inches.
Inches is a unit of length or distance; cubic feet is a measure of volume which is length * width * height. Is the question regarding cubic inches?