To construct 1, only four are required, while there could be any number of lines within the square.
the answer is 8
A 2D square has 4 edges.
A Rhombus is a square tilted to form a diamond shape
You cannot have a 2d pyramid - whether or not it is square based. The 2d cross section will depend on the plane of the cross section.
a 2d pentagon looks similar to a house. Basically, draw a square with a triangle on top and widen the parallel lines at the top slightly.
the answer is 8
Just the one square flat face.
A 2D square has 4 edges.
A rectangle is any 2D enclosed figure with two sets of parallel lines (4 lines total) and 4 right angles. A square is this with the sides of equal lengths.
it is 90
A Rhombus is a square tilted to form a diamond shape
Since the square is a 2D shape, it only has one face.
A 2d shape with uncountable lines of symmetry is a circle.
Well, it is because of the appearance. A square has 4 rights angles, 2 pairs of parallel lines, 2d shape, and all the sides are the same length! so look out for square's!