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Infinitely many, though in a plane, only one straightline.

However, an arbitrarily large number of curved linescould pass through two points.

[As an aside there some non-Euclidian geometries in which the above do not apply, but I'm sure they lie outside your scope of inquiry.]

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Q: How many lines can go through two points?
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In Euclidian or plane geometry, there can be only one line through two fixed points. Lines cannot actually be drawn; if you see it it is not a geometric line. If the points are on a curved surface as in a geometry that is non-Euclidian, then there can be infinitely many lines connecting two points.

How many lines can be drawn to pass through two points?

There is only one possible line that can can through two different points, presuming there are no overlaps.

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Just one.

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There is exactly one line that can pass through two distinct points. This line is uniquely determined by the two points.

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There is only one possible line that can can through two different points, presuming there are no overlaps.

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If you're talking about straight lines (not curves) the answer is one.

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Since the question does not require them to be straight lines, the answer is infinitely many.

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one and only one

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