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Q: How many lines code can be written using pic16f676?
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The code of Blender includes programming languages C (most lines), C++ (second most lines) and Python (the least amount of lines). Altogether, there are more than 300,000 lines of script.

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The pin code of Marine Lines is 400020.

The Hammurabi code was written in what?

In Akkadian language.

What is code coverage in software testing?

During development of any application or modules, the developers would have written some number of lines of code (Say 500) Now, when that software is tested, we have to check whether all that 500 lines of code has been covered during the testing process. This is called code coverage.

What are the lines of instructional code that make a program work called?

These lines of instructional code are known as Source Code.

What is full form of KLOC?

Kilo Lines Of Code i.e 1000 lines of code of a program

How many lines of code were used to implement MS-Dos?

Around 4,000 lines assembler code.

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Visual Basic code is a program or library that has been written using the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language.

A code that consists of vertical lines of different widths is?

A code that consists of vertical lines of different widths is a barcode.