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1080 on the best TV.

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Q: How many lines make up high definition television?
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Which companies make a 42 inch HD TV?

There are many reputable companies that make 42" high definition televisions, these are LG, Sony, Kogan, Panasonic, Samsung, Phillips, Toshiba and Vizio.

How can you make your tv HD?

A standard definition television will never be a high definition television. Standard definition televisions use either 480 (NTSC) or 576 (PAL) lines to form a complete image. High definition uses 720 or 1080 lines to create the image. Unless the television has been designed to display high definition, it will not display a high definition signal. However, converters are available that will process a high definition signal and convert it to 480 or 576 lines. The output of one of these down converters can then be shown on a standard definition television. Be aware that once the signal is converted to standard definition, the image quality will be standard definition because the fine detail found in a 1080 line image is lost during the conversion. The use of a down converter only provides the means of watching high definition content and will never offer HD quality. Some LCD televisions do not offer HD television reception but may have a VGA input for use with a computer. Normally, the VGA resolution is higher than standard definition television; a converter that will take an HD signal and process it to a VGA signal may provide better results. Typically, LCD displays capable of supporting computer displays will have 768 lines or perhaps even higher. A conversion to VGA may well provide a higher quality result but the final quality is dependent on the display, the converter and the incoming signal. Some experimentation may be required and it may me less expensive to simply purchase an HD television rather than a good quality converter.

What is the difference between plasma 3D TV and an LCD 3D TV?

The difference between the two TVs is the high definition resolutions. There are many different companies that make both models.

Does Samsung make a good 42 inch lcd tv?

Samsung, actually, from Japan, has some the best high quality High definition televisions on the market today. Their 42 inch LCDs cannot fail and they offer a warranty.

Does a high definition tv help make the playstation 3 games better?

Yes. On a standard tv the picture isn't very good. Wheras on a hd television the image will be sharper and clearer.

How is high definition differ from other formats?

High definition TV is the latest big thing in the television world and is an improvement in resolution over standard definition. Here are some numbers that explains it: Standard defintinion uses 480 lines (in the Americas) or 576 lines (Europe) to make up the television picture. The shape of SD pictures is normally 4 wide x 3 high although parts of Europe have now moved to 16 x 9 for standard definition (UK and Germany, primarily although other coutries are using 16 x 9 SD to a lesser extent) High definition uses 720 lines, 1035 lines or 1080 lines to make up the picture. All HD pictures are 16 x 9. The extra lines and the higher number of pixels that make up each image mean that about 5 times the amount of data is required compared to standard definition. This is where the better quality come in. Another difference is the way the picture is built up. SD signals use interlacing, a technique that delivers odd numbered lines in one pass, then even numbered lines in the next pass. Together, the two fields make a complete frame. Interlaced signals are identified with an "i" after the number. SD signals are therefore 480i and 576i. A complete image is shown 25 or 30 times each second. HD signals are currently 1035i, 1080i and 720p. The 720p signal is a progressive display, with the complete frame delivered in a single pass. There are 50 or 60 complete frames each second. Although the number of lines is less than the 1080i version, there are double the number of frames. 720p is therefore considered better for sports and fast moving images, while 1080i is preferred for movies - Broadcasters have varied opinions on the formats and applicaitons. Finally, 1080p is making an appearance. This is 1080 lines but with a full frame delivered 50 or 60 times each second. Broadcasters are looking at the technology but at present, they are a number of years away from adopting it as a standard.

Is a LCD tv a high definition tv1?

HD television has been around for a number of years so most televisions sold today are HD. However, because a television uses LCD technology does not automatically make it an HD television. There are still a few standard definition LCD televisions being sold in 2012 and will continue to be sold for some time to come.

What is the definition of draw?

To make figures or lines with something

What different types of TVs does Toshiba make?

Toshiba is a multinational technology company from Japan. Toshiba makes standard high definition LED TV's, WiFi enabled TV's, as well as the new Cloud TV's.

How do you change 480 to 1080?

480 refers to standard definition television signals in North America and it the number of lines that make up the image. (In Europe, 576 lines is the standard definition resolution). 1080 is the number of lines that make up a high definition television signal (720 is another high definition format although less commonly used). Up converters are used to allow 480 signals to be used on 1080 displays or to mix them into other 1080 content during production. The up converter takes a 480 line image and outputs the same image at 1080 lines. They are sometimes used in DVD players and other source equipment to allow standard definition material to share the same format as HD material. SD DVD players that have the feature will normally boast of a 1080 output or HD output. Do not be fooled: SD material that has been up converted will be in HD format but it is absolutely NOT HD quality. The amount of information in and SD signal is about 20% of a true HD signal. Up converting cannot add the extra detail so do not expect up converted material to look like HD.

Is it true that passive 3D TVs have lower quality images?

There are two types of 3D television available currently. LG have chosen the passive 3D system which splits the image lines to left and right eyes. The effective resolution is reduced from 1080 lines to 540 lines. LG have tried to argue that as one eye receives 540 lines and the other receives a different 540 lines, then they produce 1080 lines. However, using that argument, one can say that a Samsung active 3D television delivers 1080 lines to each eye for a real resolution of 2160 lines. Neither argument is true. When choosing a 3D television, bear in mind that standard definition television offers 576 lines, higher than the LG 3D system offers. Check out LG but make sure you compare it against the active televisions by Samsung Sony and others.

What is SDTV?

SDTV stands for Standard Definition Television. It refers to TV that isn't HDTV (High-Definition Television). In the US, SDTV is 525 line with NTSC color encoding or 480 lines if the signal is digital. The figure of 480 refers to the number of active lines that make up the image. Note that the analog signal with 525 lines has blank lines at the beginning and end of each image, so the active area is still around 480 lines, plus or minus a few lines. In Europe, SDTV is 625 line with PAL color encoding, or 576 lines if the signal is digital. As with the US signal, the number 576 refers to the number of active lines making up the image. Whether or not the signal is digital, the resolution is identical. Digital signals will be component or RGB based and don't use NTSC or PAL encoding. Component signals however still carry the same information as PAL or NTSC signals. Component, whether digital or analog will normally provide significantly better image quality than either PAL or NTSC analog signals. In comparison, HDTV resolution uses 720 lines or 1080 lines for the image, so providing more detail.