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However many sides it has (normally six). sometimes special ones about 4-8

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Q: How many lines of symetry does a snow flake have?
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Snow is to flake as sand is to?

Its Flake. Sand contains grains of sand. Snow contains flakes of snow.

Small crystals of snow?

Snow flake!

Is snowflake a synonym for snow?

raindrop:rain as snowflake:snow. Comparing one (a single flake) to many (lots of snowflakes is "snow")

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How many droplets make a snowflake?

A snowflake is made up of many individual ice crystals or droplets that combine and stick together as they fall through the atmosphere. The exact number of droplets can vary, but generally, each snowflake is estimated to contain thousands to millions of ice crystals.

Is there such think as a snow flake Yoshi?

Yes, in certain video games such as Mario Kart: Double Dash, there is a character named Blue Yoshi who is based on a Snowflake theme. This Yoshi is predominantly light blue in color and has snowflake patterns on its skin.

Is a snow flake a solid or liquid?


How many syllables in snowflake?

The word snowflake has two syllables. The syllables in the word are snow-flake.

Use a sentence with the word flake?

I can give you several sentences.The snow flake melted instantly.I found a flake of obsidian on the ground.That rock will flake easily when struck.You could also use the slang meaning of someone who is eccentric or odd. "That fellow is a real flake!"

What is a small piece of snow that rhymes with cake?


How many ice crystals make up a single snow flake?

A snowflake can be made up of hundreds to thousands of individual ice crystals. These ice crystals form in a symmetrical pattern as they fall through the atmosphere, creating the intricate shapes we associate with snowflakes.