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Q: How many lines of symmetry does b and y have?
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How many lines of symmetry does the letter Y have?

only one

How many letters below have exactly two lines of symmetry a b c d e f g h you j k l?

If you are using lower case letters, the only letter with exactly two lines of symmetry (out of a b c d e f g h y o u j k l) is l.c and k have one line of symmetry.o has many, many lines of symmetry.H has two lines of symmetry (but lowercase h has none).A B D E Y and U all have one line of symmetry.

Draw the lines of symmetry for the capital letters of the alphabet?

Vertical lines of symmetry: A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y Horizontal lines of symmetry: B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O, X Other: O

What letters in the alphabet have lines of symmetry?

A, B, C, D, E, H, I, M, N, O, T, U, V, W, X, Y all have symmetry either vertical or horizontal

What letters in the alphabet has lines of symmetry?

A, B, C, D, E, H, I, K, M, O, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y all have at least one line of symmetry.

Are axes and lines of symmetry the same thing?

No, although they can be lines of symmetry, they are not the same things. If a circle were to have its center at the point (1,1), the circle would have an infinite number of lines of symmetry, but none of them would be the x or y axis.

What letters have symmetry lines?

A B C D E H I M n O Q S T U V W X Y

What letters have lines of symmetry?

a b c d e h i k m o t w x y but in capital letters on the key board

What is the property of 4 equals x plus y then x plus y equals 4?

Symmetry, which states that if A = B then B = A Put A = 4 and B = x + y

What letter can be a line of symmetry?

There are many letters with lines of symmetry. A, B, D, E, H, I, l, M, m, O, o, T, t, U, u, V, v, W, w, X, x, Y. A, B, D, E, H, I, l, M, m, O, o, T, t, U, u, V, v, W, w, X, x, Y.

Do any capital letters of the alphabet have diagonal lines of symmetry?

a b c d e h i k m o t u v w x y

When exploring linear equations right in the form of y equals b lines in graph form what is true about the lines and why?

If b is the constant in y=mx+b then lines of the type y=b have no slope (because m=0) and are parallel to the x-axis (i.e. horizontal).