only 1 becuz only M word in math can have a line of symetry otherwise none other word can have a line of symetry
Four. F, G, J, L
Q r f g j l p
O,z,i,x,h Not true. Only the letter O. h has no lines of symmetry unless capitalised; i and x have one. When capitalised, all three have two lines of symmetry, not MORE THAN 2. z has none, so I am not sure what it is doing in this list.
it has no lines of symmetry
12 lines of symmetry Hope this help u g-spots :P
Of the the seven letters, ABCDEFG, F and G have no lines of symmetry. However,Êall of them could have lines of symmetry if theyÊwere presented in three dimensions.
If you are using lower case letters, the only letter with exactly two lines of symmetry (out of a b c d e f g h y o u j k l) is l.c and k have one line of symmetry.o has many, many lines of symmetry.H has two lines of symmetry (but lowercase h has none).A B D E Y and U all have one line of symmetry.
Four. F, G, J, L
A=1 B=1 C=1 D=1 E=1 f=0 G=0 and H=2
No, the letter G does not have any parallel lines, but there are a few ways of looking at it. If you assume the arc of the letter (the part that makes the shape of a C) as one line, then the letter G doesn't have any parallel lines. But... If you assume the arc as to being a lot of individual lines, and NOT an arc, then it is likely that the letter G does have a parallel line or two.
the numbers tht do not have line of symmetry are f ,g,j,l,n,p,q,r,s,,x,z.