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there are 6 lines can pass through 4 noncollinear points.

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Q: How many lines passes through 4 points?
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How many lines of symmetry does the regular octagon have?

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There are 66 lines. As no 3 points are co-linear, every line passes through exactly two of the points. Thus every point is joined by one of the lines to every other point. So it looks like there are 12 × 11 = 132 lines. However, the line joining point A to point B is the same as the line joining point B to point A; in other words, every line has been counted twice, once for one of the points it passes through and again by the other point it passes through. Therefore there are half the number of lines discovered above, name 132 ÷ 2 = 66 lines. This is the same as the "handshake problem" where everyone at a party shakes hands with everyone else at the party and the question is how many handshakes are there; the points are the people and the lines are the handshakes.

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In Euclidian or plane geometry, there can be only one line through two fixed points. Lines cannot actually be drawn; if you see it it is not a geometric line. If the points are on a curved surface as in a geometry that is non-Euclidian, then there can be infinitely many lines connecting two points.

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