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By unit of length and mass and conversion ,we can say that km and litres both belong to different categories and hence cant be converted into each other .

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Q: How many liters are in 40 kilometers?
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If you travel 3000 kilometers how many liters of gas would you need?

It all depends, if you have high gas mileage, say 200 kilometers a liter, then 15 liters. If low gas mileage like 75 kilometers a liter (definitley a hummer) then 40 liters.

How many liters are in 3 kilometers?

There are no liters in 3 kilometers. Liters are a measurement for liquids, while kilometers are a measurement for length. If you meant to ask how many meters are in 3 kilometers, then the answer would be 3,000.

How many liters in 80 kilometers?

not possible. liters are unit volume. kilometers are unit length.

How many cu cm in 40 liters?

40 liters = 40 000 cc

How many liters make a kilometer?

Liters cannot be converted into kilometers. Liters measure volume whereas kilometers measure distance.

How many gallons are 40 liters?

40 liters = 10.57 US gallons.

How many liters in 40 cups?

40 liters equals 169.1 cups.

If the bike is 150cc how many liters it will run?

The fuel efficiency of a 150cc bike can vary, but as a general estimate, it can run approximately 30-40 kilometers per liter of fuel. So, with a 150cc bike, it can run around 30-40 kilometers on one liter of fuel.

How many litters are in 6 kilometers?

There are no liters in kilometers, as they are units of different quantities. Kilometers measure distance, while liters measure volume.

How many liters equal forty gallons?

40 gallons = 151.4 liters

How many kilometers are in 3200 liters?

This is not possible to tell. Liters is used to measure volume whereas kilometers to measure distance.

How many liters of diesel in 4.5 kilometers?

Liters is a measure of Volume, Kilometers is a measure of Length, the two can not be directly equated.