(1 cubic foot = 28.317 liters) Square feet is a measure of area, not volume as is liters if your cube was 4 * 4 * 4 feet = 64 cubic feet, this would = (64 * 28.317) 1812.3 liters
2.4 liters are 2400 cubic centimeters or 2400 milliliters.
One cubic foot equates to approximately 28.32 liters.
Multiply the cubic meters by 1000 to get liters.
1 cubic inch is 0.0163871 liters.
Zero. There are 28.3168466 liters in a cubicfoot.
(1 cubic foot = 28.317 liters) Square feet is a measure of area, not volume as is liters if your cube was 4 * 4 * 4 feet = 64 cubic feet, this would = (64 * 28.317) 1812.3 liters
Cubic whats? 'Cubic' just relates to a solid square, you need to specify the units.
This cannot be done. A cubic meter is a volume and a square meter is an area.
To convert the volume of a cylinder from square inches to liters, you first need to calculate the volume in cubic inches using the formula V = πr^2h. Then, convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters by multiplying by 16.387. Finally, convert cubic centimeters to liters by dividing by 1000.
There is no such unit as "cubic litre".
There are 28.3168 liters in 1 cubic foot. A cubic foot is used to measure the volume of a substance.
One cubic foot is about 28.316 liters.
365 liters is 12.9 cubic feet.
50 liters is 0.05 cubic meters.* Liters x 0.001 = cubic meters
There are 1000 liters in one cubic meter.
3350 cubic inches is approximately 54.9 liters.