Well there is 6.239 imperial gallons in 1 cubic foot and 4.546 litres in 1 gallon so if you multiply your dimensions of your tank to get your cubic feet (200x100x100=2,000,000 cubic feet) now multiply your cubic feet by 6.239 to get your fluid amount in gallons (2,000,000x6.239=12,478,000 imperial gallons) Now if you multiply your gallons by 4.546 you will get your fluid amount in litres (12,478,000x4.546=56,724,988 litres) So your answer would be 56,724,988 litre capacity for a tank that measures 200ft x 100ft x 100ft.
Now if your tank measurement was in inches you would convert your measurements to feet before using your formula.
500x6=3000ml=3 liters
A standard typical 8x8 hot tub holds between 400 and 500 liters of water. Larger hot tubs can hold around 1,500 liters of water.
A cube with a volume of 8.61 cubic feet can hold 244 liters.
16 US gallons = 60 liters 16 UK gallons = 72 liters
670 ml
It will hold up to about 7.57 liters.
40 liters
105.99153 liters ==
Honestly about 30 liters
Bird baths are stone structures placed in backyards that are filled with water. Some can hold many liters of water whereas some can barely hold a liter.
It can hold 12 liters of water.
40 Liters
A U.S. 6-quart container will hold approximately 5.68 liters.
500x6=3000ml=3 liters
How many liters a dump truck holds depends on the size of the bed of the truck. A small dump truck can hold about 1,024 liters.
There are 22,712.5 liters of water in a pool that is 305 cm by 500 cm and five feet deep. How much water the pool will hold depends on not only the length and width of the pool but also the depth of the pool.