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Q: How many litters of water in a pipe mm diameter length in 2000 meters?
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How many liters of water in a pipe of 100diameter length 6 meters?

The answer will depend on the units used for the diameter: 100 millimetres, centimetres or some other units.

Diameter waterpolo ball?

A men's water polo ball has a diameter of .22 meters, while a women's ball is .21 meters wide.

How many miller meters are in one litters of cola?

that should be 1000, ther is 1000 millimerets in a litre wether it is cola or water

How long is a 8 inch diameter cast iron water pipe?

It is as long as necessary. It can be any length. The diameter has to do with how big around it is, nothing to do with the length. Standard pipe length is 20 feet.

What volume of water will a meter of 30 meter diameter pipe hold in cubic meters?

The volume of water a pipe can hold can be calculated using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height (or length) of the cylinder. In this case, the radius is half of the diameter, so r = 30/2 = 15 meters. Assuming the pipe is 1 meter long, the volume of water the pipe can hold is: V = π(15)^2(1) ≈ 706.86 cubic meters.

How do you find the diameter of a water balloon in qubic inches?

Diameter is a length measurement. Cubic inches is a volume measurement. Diameter cannot be measured in or converted to cubic inches.

What SI units would you use for the length of the water in the pool?


Does 1.00 Litters of water have a greater mass than 1.00 Litters of Gasoline?

Not sure that either water or gasoline have litters, but 1.00 litres of water does have greater mass than 1.00 litres of gasoline.

Width of a water molecule?

The diameter is about 0.29 nm. The atomic diameter can be determined from interpolation of the effective ionic radii of the isoelectronic ions (from crystal data) of O2- (2.80 Å), OH- (2.74 Å) and H3O+ (2.76 Å). Coincidentally, this diameter is similar to the length of a hydrogen bond. The water molecule (bond length 0.96 Å) is smaller than ammonia (bond length 1.01 Å) or methane (bond length 1.09 Å), with only H2 (bond length 0.74 Å) and HF (bond length 0.92 Å) being smaller molecules. Answer from Esteban Broitman, September 7 2008.

How many gallons of water are there in a 16 diameter pipe 4300 feet in length?

44,912.4 gallons of water per 4,300 feet.

What is the volume of water in a 18 diameter x 18' length pipe capacity?

4580.4528 cubic ft. I am assuming that the undefined diameter units was also in ft.

How many litters in a 6 person spa hold?

how many litters of water does a 6 person hold