The speed of a wave is equal to its wavelength times its frequency. Since you are using SI units, the answer will be in meters/second.
If 47 increases to 97, it increases by 50 units. For 47 units, the increase is 50 units For 1 unit, the increase is 50/47 units For 100 units, the increase is (50/47)(100) = 106.38 %
Hexa is always related to 6. So a hexagon has 6 equal units.
They are inverses. Seconds and Hertz are inverse units.
frequency does not equal sound pressure incompatible units
The speed of a wave is equal to its wavelength times its frequency. Since you are using SI units, the answer will be in meters/second.
The speed of a wave is equal to the product of wavelength x frequency. Just convert everything to standard units (wavelength to meters, frequency to hertz), multiply both, and you'll get the result, also in standard units (meters / second).
The speed of a wave is equal to the product of wavelength x frequency. Just convert everything to standard units (wavelength to meters, frequency to hertz), multiply both, and you'll get the result, also in standard units (meters / second).
It is: 160/17 percent
A chromosome map shows the relative positions of genes on a chromosome, while a map unit is a measure of genetic distance between genes. One map unit is equal to a 1% chance of recombination occurring between two genes. Therefore, the distance between genes on a chromosome map can be measured in map units based on recombination frequencies.
The metric units for wavelength are meters (m) and for frequency are Hertz (Hz).
Frequency is typically measured in units of Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz represents one cycle or oscillation per second.
bites is units for memory, hertz is units for frequency
Convert the cm to meters, to have compatible units. Then use the fact that the frequency times the wavelength is equal to the speed of the wave. In this case, you can divide the speed by the wavelength, to get the frequency.
It depends on the units of 16. If it is 16 Hertz, then the frequency is 16 (per second).