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Q: How many marbles are in the game mancala?
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Who made the game Mancala?

Mancala is an African game involving little stones or marbles moving around a oval-type board. The object of the game is to get all your marbles to your side and to get it so that there are no other marbles in your row.

What is the name of the game with marbles and wooden board?

You may be speaking of Chinese Checkers. Or mancala.

What board game is used with marbles?

Chinese Checkers is a board game that uses marbles. Players move marbles across a hexagonal board to reach the opposite side. The goal is to be the first to move all marbles to the opposite side or to move them to specific target destinations.

What is a board game played with marbles the board has a circle in the center and 12 spots for marbles on each of the 4 sides of the board each set of 12 spots is a different color?

It's called Mancala

What is that game were you put a marble in each slot till you run out?

The game you are referring to is called "Hungry Hungry Hippos". Players have to use their hippo to collect as many marbles as possible from the board until they all run out.

Where do they sale the game mancala game?

at walmart

Is mancala a good game?

you bet it is

Where can you buy the African game Mancala?

Try and search for Mancala. They say they have it and it is reasonably priced.

Is mancala the oldest game in the world?


What kind of math game is mancala?

In the context of math Mancala is mostly a counting a game. It's often called a "count and capture" game and more often than not considered a strategy game.

Can you count the marbles in mancala?

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope ...... Never ever ever times x infinity

Who invented wahoo game?

Although we no longer know who exactly invented it, it was commonly played by many different people in the Appalachian Mountains. Today it is sold by Parker brothers under the title Aggrivation. It is also a game of marbles just like senet or mancala with rules similar to monoply. Play time about 45 min. Easy game and very strategic.