

Best Answer

That's going to depend on several facts which, sadly, you've chosen

not to share with us, such as:

-- How many marbles are in the pot before you add any ?

-- How many of those originals are blue ?

-- How many of the ones you add will be blue ?

-- How many will you chose ?

-- Will you keep each one you choose or replace it ?

All of these make a difference. Since we don't have any of this information,

any intention we may have to answer the question is doomed.

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Q: How many marbles do you need to add to make the probability of choosing a blue marble equal to a half?
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A bag contains 3 green marbles 5 blue marbles and 2 yellow marbles one marble is drawn from the bag what is the probabitity that a blue marble is chosen?

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i think 6 out of 9 right? then you simplify to equal 1 out of 3.:)

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The number of marbles in 3 moles will depend on the molar mass of the marbles. To calculate this, you need to know the molar mass of the type of marble you are referring to (for example, regular glass marbles have a molar mass of about 24 grams/mol). Then you can use Avogadro's number to convert moles to the actual number of marbles.

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An example of homogeneous distribution is a jar of marbles where each marble has an equal chance of being selected. Each marble is equally likely to be chosen, making the distribution uniform and homogeneous.

What is the total momentum of marbles after the collision?

The total momentum of marbles after a collision is equal to the sum of the momentum of each individual marble. Momentum is a vector quantity, so both the direction and magnitude of each marble's momentum must be considered when calculating the total momentum of the system.

A bag has 6 marbles in iteach marble is either rad blu or green what is the least number of marbles that you must pull ou of the bag to be sure you have two marble the same color?

Since each of the three colours has an equal chance of being drawn, theoretically if you draw four marbles from the bag, you should have at leas two of the same colour.However, there is a 1/3 (33.33%) chance that the first two marbles you pull out will be the same color. There is just a guarantee that you will have two of at least one color after pulling out four.

A bag contains 2 purple marbles and 6 green marbles - Two marbles are drawn at random - so What is the probability that the first marble drawn is green and the second one is purple?

There are 8 marbles in the bag, and 6 are green, so the chance that the first one you pick is green is 6/8 or .75. Let's call the event where you pick the green marble first, G, for green of course. Now since you picked a marble there are only 7 left. If you picked a green one then the chances of picking a purple one are now 2/7 since there are two purple marbles and seven total marbles. Let's call the event of picking the purple marble F, (I was going to use P but we need that letter for probability. Purple is a fine color so I picked F.) Now we use the conditional probability rule that tells us what is the chance of picking purple given that we already picked green. The symbol P(F|G) means probability of event F given that event G has already happened. P(F|G)= (the probability of picking green and purple)/ (probability of picking green.) We know these from above. G=6/8 and If we pick a green, probability of picking a purple is 2/7 so we multiply these to get probability of picking both and we have 6/8x2/7 or 12/56. So 12/56=(Probability of Picking green and purple)/( probability of picking green). We have 12/56=[P(G and F)]/(6/8) we want P(G and F) so we multiply 12/56x 6/8 and we have 72/448 So the answer is : 72/448 or about .16 (NOTE: this would be a totally different problem if we took out the first marble then put it back. It is important to be sure what is being asked. If you replaced the marble, the problem is much easier. It is simply 6/8 x 2/8 =12/64 or 3/16) Some people have trouble remembering or understanding the conditional probability rule. I will take just a second to explain it in the hopes it will make it easier to use and remember. The multiplication rule says if we have two mutually exclusive events, A and B, the probability of A and B is P(A)xP(B), so if we want event A to occur THEN event B, we have P(A)xP(B|A) which means probability of A multiplied by probability of B given A has already happened. This equal probability of A and B so we have: P(A)xP(B|A)=P(A and B) . Now divide by P(A) and we have: P(B|A)=P(A and B)/P(A). This is the way the rule is usually stated. Note: P(A|B)=P(A and B)/P(B).

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The total momentum after the collision is equal to the total momentum before the collision in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum. This means that the sum of the momentum of the more massive and less massive marbles before the collision will be equal to the sum of their momentums after the collision.

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This is a simple one, it basically means that whatever quantity is stated is equal to the amount specified or less. eg. What is the probability that a boy chooses no more than 7 marbles.(this is basically saying that the boy is going to choose 7 marbles or less). Hope i helped

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