Yes - People make 120 minute CD's.
A CD-R can only be written on once, to rewrite or erase old data to use the disc again you need a CD-RW
The Amount Of CD Players That Are Sold Every Year Are 120,000,000 Roughly. There You Go
0.0113 square metres, approx.
there are 74 minutes stored on a CD
A 63-minute CD could hold about 551mb.
A 63-minute CD could hold about 551mb.
The maximum storage capacity of a CD-ROM is determined by the size and intended storage of the CD itself. The majority of CD-ROMs sold today are 74 minute and 80 minute discs, the 74 minute disc is rated to hold 650 MB but can actually hold up to 681 MB. The 80 minute disc is rated to hold 700 MB but can hold up to 737 MB.
A 63-minute CD could hold about 551mb.
A 650 MB CD-R can hold 74 minutes of music. A 700 MB CD-R can hold 80 minutes of music.
Now 74, released in the United Kingdom on November 23, 2009, consists of two CDs, the first CD contains 22 tracks, while the second CD contains 23 tracks.
Now 74
74 minutes of music.
Yes - People make 120 minute CD's.
cd parking