1 kb = 1024b
1 mb = 1024^2b
1 gb = 1024^3b
so calculate it for 2 gb
Gigabytes are a unit of storage, not a unit of rate. 10 GB per month = 14.2 MB per hour
The two are not direclty related. GB (with an uppercase "B") would be "gigabyte"; that's a unit of storage space, Gb (lowercase "b") would be "gigabit" - another unit of storage, but 8 times smaller than the first. On the other hand, mbps (megabit per second) is a unit of bandwidth - how fast data is transferred.
The storage space per minute varies a lot depending on the quality of the sound; but for a typical MP3, you can calculate about a MB per minute. That would give you about 30 MB for half an hour; in other words, much less than one GB.
YouTube videos come in different qualities. The amount of space those movies take will depend quite a lot on the quality. In any case, it will be at most several MB, not GB, per minute.
No, it is not. There are 1000 megabytes per gigabyte; so 10 megabytes is only 0.01 gigabyte, much less than 2 gigabytes.
3.2 megabits is equal to 0.0004 gigabytes 3.2 megabits = 0.0004 gigabytes
3.1 Megabits per second is not equivalent to one gigabyte. A bit is different than a byte. 1 byte = 8 bits. 3.1 megabits is equivalent to 0.000378418 gigabytes. 1 gigabyte is equivalent to 8192 megabits No, 0.000378418 is not faster than 1.0
1,000,000 megabits or 1,000 gigabytes
"Megs" or Megabytes are a measurement of storage. "MBPS" or Megabits per second are a measurement of bandwidth. Storage measurements only measure how much space a file may take up, or how much space is left on disk. Bandwidth measures how quickly data can transfer to/from one place to another, whether that be from a hard drive to RAM, or from one computer to another. Megabits per second does NOT equal Megabytes per second. Bits and bytes are different sized units of measurement. 8 bits = 1 byte 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte 1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte 1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte Since bandwidth is measured in bits, the measurements are more like that 1024 bits = 1 kilobit 1024 kilobits = 1 megabit 1024 megabits = 1 gigabit Therefore to compare 30 megabits to 30 megabytes, we can do a simple equation to find out the megabytes you can expect to transfer per second. 30 megabits = 31457280 bits 31457280 / 8 = 3932160 bytes ( 3932160 bytes / 1024 ) / 1024 = 3.75 megabytes per second. Which can be simplified by simply dividing our megabits by 8.
In 1 gigabyte ci sono 1000 megabyte.MB e GB Vi sono esattamente 1.024 Megabytes (MB) in un Gigabyte (GB) MB sta per Megabyte, da non confondere con Mb che sta per megabit GB sta per Gigabyte, da non confondere con Gb che sta per Gigabit 1 megabyte = 8 megabits 1 megabyte = 1.024 kilobytes 1 gigabyte = 1.204 megabytes o 8.192 megabits
A gigabyte is 1,000 megabytes. So there are 25,000 in 25 gigabytes.
Yes. 1 gigabyte is a 1000 megabytes.
None. A megabyte per second is a transmission RATE, whereas a gigabyte is a static measure.
If you were meaning megabits by mb then: 904.951 mb = 0.110 GB(Gigabytes) Typically when referring to GB though the next unit down id MB(MegaBytes) 904.951 MB = 0.884 GB
Assuming mb is megabits and GB is gigabytes: 612.3 Mb (in bits) = 612.3 * 1024 * 1024 = 642,043,084.8 b 1 GB (in bits) = 1 * 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 = 8,589,934,592 b 8,589,934,592 / 642,043,084.8 = 13.079 (to 3 d.p.).
MBPS means megabytes per second and GBPS means gigabytes per second. 1000 kilobytes is 1 megabyte, 1000 megabytes is 1 gigabyte and 1000 gigabytes is 1 terabyte.
There seems to be a repetitive pattern of people misusing the data size abbreviation which result in confusing answers, capitalization is very important. GB is a gigabyte, which should not be confused with Gb which stands for a Gigabit. 1 gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes 1 gigabit is equal to 1024 megabits 8 megabits is equal to 1 megabyte 2GB * 1024 (MB in a GB) = 2048 megabytes 2Gb * 1024 (Mb in a Gb) = 2048 Mb / (8Mb in a MB) = 256 megabytes