There are 2300 Megahertz in 2.3 gigahertz.
1 Gigahertz = 1000 Megahertz
0.00075 gigahertz
2.2 GHz is the measurement of processing power of the CPU on a personal computer (PC) GHz stands for Gigahertz. A Gigahert is 1000 Megahertz of processing power.
They are actually the same thing. ( a megacycle is also called a megahertz)
1.7 megahertz is bigger than 108 megahertz
x 1000
If you mean gigahertz and megahertz, then gigahertz would be larger.
Gigahertz are faster than Megahertz In computer terms 1024 Megahertz would equal 1 Gigahertz. Therefor a Ghz is faster than a Mhz.
GigaHertz (GHz) or MegaHertz (MHz) Gigahertz is much faster
A gigahertz is 1000 megahertz, so yes, but is best put as faster
-Hertz. Or cycles per second. Megahertz, GigaHertz, etc.
Same as Megabytes and Gigabytes. 1000 Megahertz in 1 Gigahertz
Gigahertz is equal to 1,000 megahertz and is used in measuring speed of computer processing.
Yes, 1 gigahertz is 1 billion cycles per second
The answer to your unit 1 IST test question is "Processor Speed". Good luck. lol
The unit of measurement used to measure a computerâ??s clock speed is called a hertz, A computerâ??s clock speed is normally measured in megahertz or gigahertz. A megahertz is one million ticks per second and one gigahertz is one billion ticks per second.
Clock cycles per second. 1 Herts = 1 Cycle per Seconcd