There are three feet to a yard, so multiply 42 yards by 3 to work out the amount of feet. The answer is 126 feet.
There are 1760 yards in one mile. Therefore, 8800 yards is equal to 8800/1760 = 5 miles.
look at the square and count
A kilometre is 1,000 metres. Work it out.
1 yard = 0.9144 meters 100 yards x .9144 = 91.44 meters.
It is: 5*1760 = 8800 yards
That is like asking how many yards in a gallon. There are no square meters in a meter, and no meters in a square meter.
Doesn't work that way. Kilos are weight, meters are distance. You might as well ask how many yards in a pound.
To convert from cm to m, you need to divide by 100.
Divide feet by three to get yards.
100 cm = 1 m So: 55 cm = 0.55 m
Show work
15 yards 7 8 yards
Nintendo guarantees it to work within 10meters/11yards, but it can work up to about 50 meters / 55 yards if nothing is in the way.
A link is a very old English unit of length, there are 100 links to a chain, a chain is equal to 22 yards, to convert yards to meters, multiply the yards by 0.91, now all you need is to work it out.