150 feet is 45.72 meters.
About 1/2 acre.
0.517 (rounded)
Multiply the two numbers to get the number of square feet. You end up with 22,500 square feet.
50yds x 3ft/1yd = 150ft
150ft and 1 in
About 150ft. The first flight lasted only 12secs.
area = l w 100 ft * 150 ft = 15000 ft convert from fetes to meters 1m =0.0348ft 15000 ft * 0.0348 ft = 4.572 m2
Effective range was only about 50m (150ft).
300 ft * 150 ft = 45000 sq ft = 1.033 acres (approx)
You have to multiply the two numbers to get area. The answer is 11,250 square feet.
1 yard = 3 feet. x yards = 150 feet 3x = 150 x = 50 feet.