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1 Pa = 1 N/m2 = 10−5 bar = 10.197×10−6 at = 9.8692×10−6 atm,

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Q: How many meters in height do you need to create 1 bar of water pressure?
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How is head related to water pressure?

The height of a water column that extends above the point of measurement affects the water pressure at that point. This height, also known as head, is commonly measured in feet or meters and represents the potential energy available to create pressure. The higher the head, the greater the water pressure.

What is the maximum height to which water could be drunk through a straw?

The maximum height to which water can be drunk through a straw is about 10 meters (33 feet), due to the limitations of atmospheric pressure. Beyond this height, the pressure differential required to lift the water against gravity would exceed the capacity of a person's lungs to create suction.

A vessel water storage tank of height 12 meters is filled to a depth of 8 meters with water at density 1000kgm calculate the pressure at the bottom of the vessel?

approximately 0.8 bar

A tank with a flat bottom is filles with water to a height of 3.5 meters what is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank?


A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 3.5 meters what is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank?

The pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank is determined by the height of the water column above that point. The pressure is given by the formula P = ρgh, where ρ is the density of water (around 1000 kg/m^3), g is the acceleration due to gravity (around 9.81 m/s^2), and h is the height of the water column (3.5 meters in this case). Plugging in these values will give you the pressure at the bottom of the tank.

3 A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 4 meters What is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank You can ignore atmospheric pressure when calculating your?

The pressure at the bottom of the tank is determined by the weight of the water above that point. To calculate the pressure, you would use the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the water column. Given the height is 4 meters and water density is 1000 kg/m^3, you can calculate the pressure.

Height required to reach 1. 26 bar pressure in water column?

12.6 meters 0.1 bar is gained for every meter.

How to Calculate water pressure from cubic feet and height?

The pressure is ONLY dependent on the height of the water column, not on its exact shape (for instance, whether it is narrower or wider towards the top). The water pressure is approximately 1 atmosphere (or 1 bar) for every 10 meters. For other liquids, use appropriate conversion factors, depending on the density of the liquid.

How does air pressure effect the height of a bottle rocket?

THe ideal amount is 50% air pressure and 50% water. SHoot from 4-6 bar. I got mine to 92 meters

What is the pressure under ninety meters of water?

The hydrostatic pressure, which is counted with (density*gravitational acceleration*height) is about 1000kg/m3*9.8m/s2*90m = 882 000Pa now you add the pressure ontop of the water, which normally is the atmospheric pressure (~100000Pa) and you get 982000Pa.Also, do your own homework :3

What height would be maintained by a column of water inverted in a dish of water at sea level?

water is 1/13.5 as dense as mercury.Therefore, since mercury maintains a height of 760 mm at sea level:760/13.5 = 10,260 mm, or 10.26 meters

What is the maximum height to which water can be drunk through a straw?

In theory, the answer is approx 10.33 metres but that assumes that you could create (and maintain) such pressure ... very unlikely!