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There is no equivalence.

A metre is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a kilogram (KG) is a measure of mass. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

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Q: How many meters make a KG?
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How many meters in a kg?

Metere/ metres are length. Kg are weight.

Is somebody running every day at a rate of 1 kg meter every 15 minute how many meters?

A "rate of 1 kg meter" doesn't make any sense.

How many meters in kg?

None. The units are incompatible. Meters measure distance, kilograms measure mass.

How many cubic meters are 30 kg?

You cannot covert volume to mass.

How many meters eqals 1 kg?

Meters are a unit of length, kilograms are a unit of mass, you cannot convert one from another

What sized can a polar bear be?

Polar bears can generally grow to be 2,4 meters to 2,6 meters for males. The females can generally grow to be 1,9 meters to 2,1 meters. Also the males can weigh 400 kg to 600 kg and the females can weigh 200 kg to 300 kg.

18 kg equals how many grams?

18000. the "k" in kg stands for kilo which indicates thousands. So a km is 1000 meters, a kg is 1000 grams, etc...

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4.036 there is 1000g in one kg

How many meters in 1km?

1 km is 1000 meters. k is kilo, which means 1000. 1 kg is 1000 grams, 1 kW is 1000 watts.There are 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer

5.2 kg in meters?


How many meters to make 1 million meters?

Umm, you need one million meters to make one million meters.

100kg is how many meters?

Kg (kilograms) is a measure of mass or weight and meters is a measure of distance or length. They measure different things and there is no conversion between them.