A metre is a measure of length or distance while a cent is a measure of area. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
Cent-what? We need something to go by here. 10 000 square meters = 1 hectares. Which means 1000 square meters is 10 centahectares.
Answering "How many square meters is one cent?"This space is for answering one cent = 40.5108 squaremeter 1 cent = 435.5 ft²435.5 ft² = 40.4592 m²
1 cent = 40.468 sq metres.
One cent of land is equal to 40.468564224 square meters.
Cent-what? We need something to go by here. 10 000 square meters = 1 hectares. Which means 1000 square meters is 10 centahectares.
One cent is 1/100th of an acre. In square feet, one cent is 435.540069686 square feet.
Answering "How many square meters is one cent?"This space is for answering one cent = 40.5108 squaremeter 1 cent = 435.5 ft²435.5 ft² = 40.4592 m²
1 cent = 40.468 sq metres.
11m = 1100cm
1 cent=432 sq.ft.