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Around 10 meters.

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Q: How many meters underwater is one ATM?
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How deep is 5 bars?

Actually, 5 ATM can either be 132 feet or 165 feet. We all have 1 ATM above us (the air/sky/atmosphere) that creates a constant pressure. Sooo.. 1 ATM + 4 ATM (33ft per ATM) = 132 feet underwater. However, if you actually mean 5 ATM UNDERWATER, then it would be 6 ATM (1 ATM + 5 ATM underwater) for the equation which would equal 165 feet. Hope this helps!

How deep is 100 ATM?

One atmosphere of pressure is equal to the pressure at sea level. Therefore, 100 atmospheres would be roughly equivalent to the pressure experienced at a depth of about 3,000 feet (914 meters) underwater.

What does 5 ATM mean on a wrist watch?

"ATM" stands for ATMospheres and the number before it, refers to the number of atmospheres of pressure the watch will withstand before leaking. At sea level we are all subjected to one atmosphere of pressure, because we have one atmosphere of air above us pressing down. For every 33 feet (10 metres) underwater you go, the pressure increases by 1 atmosphere. Therefore, at 33 feet underwater the pressure is 2 atmospheres (2 ATM), at 66 feet underwater the pressure is 3 atmospheres (3 ATM), etc. So 5 ATM is equivalent to 132 feet (40 metres) underwater. In conclusion, the ATM rating of a watch is the number of atmospheres of pressure the watch will withstand before breaking/leaking. To convert ATM 's into the depth rating in metres just subtract 1 and multiply by 10. eg: 5 ATM = (5 - 1)*10 = 40 metres.

How deep in water is 3atm of pressure?

One atmosphere is the amount of pressure that can lift water approximately 10.3 meters.Considering that a diver already experiences 1 ATM of pressure in air, the water depth in meters d, at which the diver would experience n ATM of pressure, isd = (n - 1) * 10.3Hence, to experience 3 atmospheres of pressure, you'd need to go ((3-1) * 10.3) = 20.6 meters (67.6 feet) underwater.

The deepest point in the ocean is 11km below sea level deeper than Mt Everest is tall What is the pressure in atmospheres at this depth?

The pressure at the deepest point in the ocean is approximately 1,100 atmospheres. This is calculated based on the increase in pressure by one atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth underwater.

One standard ATM is equal to how many inches of Mercury?

One standard atmosphere (atm) is equivalent to approximately 29.92 inches of Mercury (inHg).

How many grams equals 1 ATM?

1 ATM (atmosphere) is equal to approximately 1.01325 x 10^5 Pascals. It is a unit of pressure, not weight, so it does not directly convert to grams.

What does a fathom messure?

A fathom measures depth of an object underwater. One fathom equals 6 feet, or about 1.8288 meters.

What is one underwater volcano?

One example of an underwater volcano is Axial Seamount, located off the coast of Oregon in the United States. It is an active submarine volcano that rises about 1,300 meters from the sea floor.

How many mmHg's is equal to 1 ATM in science?

One atmosphere (ATM or torr) is equal to 760 millimeters of mercury (mmHg's)

What is 25 pascals equal to?

25 pascals is a unit of pressure. It is equivalent to approximately 0.0036 pounds per square inch (psi), or 0.0034 kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm^2).

Where can one get a map of the ATM locations?

There are many ways one might obtain a map for ATM locations. The best resource one might use is the official financial institution's locate a branch feature.