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Q: How many metres is one ton of barbed wire?
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How would one fix chinks in a barbed wire fence?

The best thing to do is to purchase or make a new barbed wire fence. It can be painful to try and fix one as the barbed wire easily cuts a person.

Where can one use some barbed wire for a fence?

Barbed wire for fences is typically found either above the fence to keep people from climbing over or in 3 rows to prevent going through the fence. The entire purpose of barbed wire is to either keep something in or someone out.

How many rolls to do a five strand barbwire for 180 acres?

Well, first you need to know the length of barbed wire in a roll. Then you need to know the perimeter of the fence (in feet or metres) you are going to build around that 180 acres. Then, calculate it this way: (length of barbed wire in one roll) x (perimeter of fence of 180 acres) = (total length of wire needed for "n" ft. (or m) of fence perimeter of one strand) (total length of wire needed for "n" ft.(or m) fence perimeter of one strand) x 5 = (Grand total length of wire needed to fence 180 acres) (Grand total length of wire needed to fence 180 acres) / (length of barbed wire in one roll) = (# of rolls needed for a five-strand barbed wire fence for 180 acres)

Where was barbed wire invented?

Barbed wire was invented in DeKalb, Illinois on 1869 by Joseph Glidden.

Is barbed wire painful?

Well, movement against barbed wire can result in moderate to severe to the skin, depending on which part of your body and the barbed wire configuration. So it may will be painful if you don't get cautious approaching one.

What happened if you got too close to the barbed wire in the ghettos?

There was not so much barbed wire in the ghettos. They were not like the camps where one would risk death by going to the wire.

What can one use barbed wire for?

Twisted strands of fence wire with barbs at regular intervals.

What are three accomplishments did Joseph Glidden make?

one is he invented barbed wire

How did troops clear barbed wire at the Normandy invasion?

One of the main tools for removing barbed wire was the Bangalore torpedo, which are lengths of metal pipe filled with an explosive, the lengths are screwed together slid under the wire and then set off.

What acts signals or markers to help cells recognize one another?

barbed wire

What kinds of barb wire are there?

Barbed wire comes in different sizes, from 12.5 gauge to 16 gauge, depending on the types of animals used, the size, and how hard on fences they are. But to the untrained eye, there really is only one type of barbed wire fencing out there.

What were the two inventions that help close the open range?

Well one of the answers is Barb Wire... i