If a kilowatt-hour is 10 cents, then 3.9 billion kilowatt-hours (billion meaning 109) has a value of 0.390 million dollars, or 390 million dollars.
There are 10 metric quintals in one metric ton. There are other measurements labeled "ton", and others labeled "quintal", but these are the most common.
One kg = 1000 grams. So one gram is 10^-3 kilograms. One milli gram is 10^-3 gram = 10^-6 kg. Kilograms and grams are both the metric units of mass. So the answer is 10000 KG
A 10-kilowatt heater produces 34,120 BTUs per hour.
There is no such thing as a "kilowatt per hour". Kilowatt is a unit of power, not of energy. A unit of energy is kilowatt-hour. That's kilowatt times hours, not "per" hour ("per" implies division, not multiplication). If a generator produces 10 kilowatts, that means it produces 10 kilowatt-hours every hour.
10000kg is 10 metric tons.
There is no direct relationship between a cc and horsepower. 10
10,000 watts (10 Kilowatts).
There are 10 decimeters (dm) on a metric stick.
approximately 10 kw a day
The term horsepower as a rate of energy delivery has varied over time, and it still has different meanings depending on context. Today, one horsepower, as applied to an electric motor, is officially defined as 746 watts.
If a kilowatt-hour is 10 cents, then 3.9 billion kilowatt-hours (billion meaning 109) has a value of 0.390 million dollars, or 390 million dollars.
10000 kilograms.