Micro means 0.000001, a century is 100 years. Therefore a microcentury is 0.0001 years, or 0.0365.25 days or 0.8766 hours or 25.596 minutes.
52596 minutes.
Two centuries (200) years is 105,189,800 minutes.
.29 what? Hours, centuries? Microseconds?
4 centuries is 400 years and a leap year occurs every 4 years, therefore 100 leap years will occur in 4 centuries. 365*300 + 366*100 = 146100 days 1440 minutes in 1 day 1440*146100 = 210384000 minutes in 400 years
You have chosen not to disclose the units for 2.6. Unfortunately, he answer does depend on whether you mean 2.6 seconds, 2.6 minutes, days, years or centuries!
0.3437746770781649 minutes
52596 minutes.
5,400 minutes = 0.000102671597 of a century.
Two centuries (200) years is 105,189,800 minutes.
A micro-century is 0.00001 of a century, which is equivalent to 0.001 years. There are 525,600 minutes in a year, so in a micro-century, there are 0.5256 minutes.
Micro means 0.000001, a century is 100 years. Therefore a microcentury is 0.0001 years, or 0.0365.25 days or 0.8766 hours or 25.596 minutes.
10 centuries
.29 what? Hours, centuries? Microseconds?
The answer depends on 8.433332 what! Seconds, or days or centuries?
437,040,000 minutes
4 centuries is 400 years and a leap year occurs every 4 years, therefore 100 leap years will occur in 4 centuries. 365*300 + 366*100 = 146100 days 1440 minutes in 1 day 1440*146100 = 210384000 minutes in 400 years