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Q: How many miles an hour can a human blow wind with through their mouth?
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How do you tame nervousness?

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Kinda like smell the flower and blow out the candle. :)

How do you blow on your thumb to pass out?

You stick your thumb into your mouth, shut your mouth and try to blow, but actually don't blow out the air, just pretend you're blowing.

How much pressure can a human blow?

A human can typically generate a blowing pressure of around 2-3 psi (pounds per square inch) when exhaling forcefully through the mouth. This can vary depending on factors such as lung capacity, respiratory health, and individual strength.

What would blow balloon faster mouth blow or vinegar and baking soda in a bottle?

Mouth Blow could be faster because when u blow it release a big chunk of air into the ballooon( will massive for that size).

If you put a straw in to a frog and blow will it blow up?

Blowing air into a frog through a straw will not make it blow up. Frogs have lungs that can handle changes in pressure, and excess air would likely escape through their mouth or nostrils. It is not recommended to blow air into a frog in this manner, as it can cause harm or distress to the animal.

How do you play a cool song on the clarinet?

You get cool sheet music and use your fingers to hold down the keys and your mouth to blow through the mouth piece and then play the song written on the sheet music.

How does an elephant blow water from its trunk?

Basically the same way you blow water from your mouth.

How does a flute make sound?

You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.

Why do a dolphins have blow holes?

They are mammals so they breathe in air like us. When they are swimming, its easier to breathe through their blow hole then their mouth so they dont have to completely come up out of the water to take in a breath

Where do you blow on a cigarette?

You get the hot end and stick it in your mouth

How do you get it out of limp mode?

You get a women to put her mouth on it and blow.

How do you whistle with two fingers?

You blow with fingers in mouth.