Obviously the answer varies with how heavy a mark you leave and the length of the pencil. Start by assuming that a pencil is 17 cm long and has a diameter of 0.2 cm (which gives a volume of just under 0.55 cm3. If you just touch the paper so the line is 1 layer of carbon atoms thick (about 1 nm) and the full 0,2 cm wide the line would be somewhat under 300 km (180 mi) long. Application of some skill in twisting the pencil so the line is thinner could double or triple the line length.
Well, honey, the average pencil can draw a line for about 35 miles. But let's be real, who's out here drawing lines for miles on end? Just buy a new pencil when it runs out, it's not like they break the bank.
An infinite number, since points take up no space.
That will depend on what kind of vehicle you drive, how heavy your foot is, and whetherthe route is city or highway, flat or mountainous.If you already know the fuel economy of your car (miles per gallon), then get out your calculatoror your pencil, and divide 368 by that number. That answer will be roughly the number ofgallons you'll need for the 368-mile trip.
Theoretically, the a number 2 pencil can write an infinite number of words. The number 2 in the number 2 pencil actually indicates how hard the graphite is. For more information, visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pencil_hardness#Grading_and_classification
a lot
One site on the internet suggests that the average pencil could draw a line 35 miles long. If that is true, then 100 million pencils could draw a line 3.5 billion miles long.
With a pen it's about 10k With a pencil it's about 100k With a pen pencil with one lead it's about 3k
Well, honey, the average pencil can draw a line for about 35 miles. But let's be real, who's out here drawing lines for miles on end? Just buy a new pencil when it runs out, it's not like they break the bank.
Write down your mileage when you fill up your tank and how many gallons of gas. On the next fillup write that mileage down and subtract it from the first number. Divide that number from the number of gallons you put in. This will give you your MPG.
There's no such thing as "the fifth square" of a number.To calculate any whole-number power of a number, write the number that many timesall on one line, then write the word "times" between them, get your pencil out, and getto work.The 5th power of a number 'N' is'N' times 'N' times 'N' times 'N' times 'N' .
Only one, you get a guy to get a boner, then cut part of the tip of. Then you get a wooden pencil and it will write in red ink.
It is estimated that there are approximately 2 quintillion (2 x 10^18) atoms on the tip of a pencil. This number can vary depending on factors such as the pencil's length and thickness.
136 miles is the total number. There are 7 days in a week. Number of miles divided by number of days will get you the daily mileage. 136/7=19.43 19 and 3/7