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Wolves are highly endurance athletes and can run long distances without stopping. On average, a wolf can run up to 20-30 miles in a single day while hunting for food. However, in certain circumstances, wolves have been known to cover even greater distances, sometimes up to 50 miles, especially during migration or in pursuit of prey.

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Q: How many miles can a wolf run without stopping?
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What will win cheetah or wolf?

The wolf, probably because it is stronger and has more powerful jaws. Also, the wolf is used to fighting while the cheetah isn't. The cheetah may be fast, but cheetahs are fragile and if they get a single injury they can die. Wolf is more poweful and has more agility. While the cheetah tires quickly, the wolf can run 40 miles without stopping. WINNER:WOLF

How many miles can a wolf run?

A wolf can run a approximate 34 miles if it is running from danger.

How many miles per hour can a wolf run?

About 30,or you can do research on wolfs.

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yes you will find a wolf without a pack.

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fairly the fastest wolf in the world is 20 miles per hour

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A wolf spider can go without eating for about 120 to 130 years.

What is the average distance a wolf travels?

The average distance a wolf travels in a day is 10 to 15 miles, but sometimes they will travel 50 miles in a day.

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Wolf. Cheetahs are sprinters, not distance runners.

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Over 2,000 Miles

What is the average speed of a wolf in miles per hour?

The average speed of a wolf is around 6-10 miles per hour while walking or trotting. They can reach speeds of up to 35-40 miles per hour when running at full sprint.

What is the fastest wolf breed?

The grey wolf (Canis lupus) is known to be the fastest species of wolf, capable of reaching speeds of up to 40 miles per hour in short bursts when chasing prey.

What animal has better stamina a wolf or a wild dog of Africa?

Wolves have more stamina than cheetahs. Even though cheetahs can run 70 miles an hour that's just for a short distance and the wolf can run 30 miles for a long period of time more than 20 miles.