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There is no one answer to your question. It depends on how many miles a car can drive on a single gallon of gas (MPG), or in this case, on a single liter.

For example, if a car can drive 20 miles on one liter, the answer is 20. If it can drive 35 miles on one liter, the answer is 35, and so on.

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Q: How many miles could you drive with one liter of gas?
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How many km to 1 liter of gas?

If you mean, how many kilometer can you drive using 1 liter of gasoline, that will depend on the efficiency of your vehicle. 1 kilometer per liter = 2.35214583 miles per gallon. There is a handy converter at the related link that compares miles per gallon (both US and Imperial) with kilometers per liter.

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The number of miles you can drive on 16 gallons of gas depends on your vehicle's fuel efficiency. If your car gets an average of 25 miles per gallon, you could drive about 400 miles on 16 gallons of gas.

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It's about 2, 875 miles, but it could be around 3,000 miles depending on how you drive there.

If you have 30 miles per gallon how many miles do you get for one liter of gas?

30 miles per gallon equates to about 7.925 miles per liter of gasoline.

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6 mpg = 1.585 miles per liter.

A car that gets 30 miles per gallon would get how many miles per liter?

30 mpg is 7.925 miles per liter

How many miles could you drive on 12 gallons of gas?

Depends on your miles per gallon. For example, if you had 12 miles per gallon: 1. Get a new car 2. You would be able to drive 12*12 miles = 144 miles.

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it depends on how many miles you can drive a day

40 mile per gallon equals how many miles per liter?

40 mpg = 10.57 miles per liter.