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300 000km/sec approx

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Q: How many miles do the voyager 1 or 2 spacecraft travel in one second?
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Is a voyager spacecraft faster than a space shuttle?

Yes, the Voyager spacecraft travels faster than a space shuttle. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are interstellar probes launched by NASA in 1977, while the space shuttle was a reusable spacecraft used for missions in low Earth orbit. The Voyagers traveled at speeds reaching over 35,000 miles per hour, while the space shuttle traveled at around 17,500 miles per hour.

How long would it take to travel 1 million miles in a spacecraft at 100000 miles per second?

It would take 10 seconds.

What are the names of the spacecraft that have visited Neptune?

Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to currently visit Neptune, passing 3,000 miles from the planet on August 25, 1989.

How long would it take a spacecraft to travel 4.3 light years?

At a typical 18.6 miles per second the spacecraft travels at 1/10,000 of the speed of light, therefore it would take 43,000 years.

How far did the Voyager 1 spacecraft travel into space?

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is still traveling through space! Both Voyager 1 and 2 were sent to visit some of the planets of our solar system, but as there is no way to bring them back, they will continue to travel through the vast distances of space forever! Both Voyager spacecraft are still communicating with the NASA team and will continue to do so as they have electrical power to operate some functions until 2020 (though they do not power their cameras anymore). After 2020 the Voyager crafts will run out of power (so this will be about 43 years after they were launched) and be forever silent and continue on their endless journey through space for billions of years to come.

The space craft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970's?

The space craft that flew by and photographed the four gas giants in the 1970s was the Voyager 1 spacecraft. It captured images of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune during its mission. Voyager 1 provided valuable data and insights about these distant planets and their moons.

What space crafts have been to Uranus?

No spacecraft has visited Uranus yet. The only spacecraft that has flown by Uranus is Voyager 2 in 1986. There are currently no plans for a future mission to explore Uranus.

How many spacecraft have visited Neptune?

Only one through 2009. The Voyager 2 probe visited Neptune in 1989, having previously passed Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Voyager 2 took the first close-up photos of the Neptunian moon Triton and discovered 5 new inner moons.

How far can a radio wave travel into space?

Radio waves can travel indefinitely through space until they dissipate or are absorbed by particles in space. The farthest man-made radio signal, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, has been transmitting radio signals back to Earth from over 14 billion miles away.

How long does it take to travel 347 miles in a spacecraft?

one hour nine minutes and 4 secounds

How many miles has the Voyager 1 spacecraft traveled so far?

Remember, the question is how many miles has the Voyager 1 spacecraft traveled, (Not how far is it from the sun or Earth). Voyager 1 left Earth on 09/05/1977 and today is 06/28/2013. That is approximately 35 3/4th years. In October of 1978, Voyager 1 was traveling at a speed of 34,422 mph, 55397 kph. By March 1979 she had increased her speed to a top speed of 82,935 mph, 133471 kph during her fly by of Jupiter. There are current readings that Voyager 1 is now traveling at a diminishing speed of 37,500 mph, 60,350kph. After all the calculations of the speed differential and speed duration, the average speed is calculated to 37,900 mph. That would mean that the approximate total miles that Voyager 1 has traveled is 11,869,770,400 miles or 19,102,543km. Now the distance from the Sun to Voyager 1 is approximately 122 AUs (Astronomical units). An AU is the distance from the Earth to the sun and that is approximately 92,955,807 miles, 149597870 km which would make the distance from the sun to Voyager 1, 11,340,608,454 miles.

What is the longest distance a spacecraft has traveled?

As of 2021, the longest distance traveled by a spacecraft is NASA's Voyager 1 probe, which has traveled over 14 billion miles (22.5 billion kilometers) from Earth. Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 and is now in interstellar space, exploring the far reaches of our solar system.