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An hour contains sixty minutes. Therefore, 25 minutes is 25/60 of one hour. At a rate of 25 miles per hour, one can cover a distance of (25/60)/25 = 10.4 (the last digit may not be significant, because the primary data have only two significant digits.)

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Q: How many miles do you cover in 25 minute going 25 miles per hour?
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You cover 31.25 miles.

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Well, we know that in an hour, you'll go 50 miles. And 30 minutes is half an hour. So 50 divided by 2 is 25. That means that you will cover 25 miles in 30 minutes going 50 miles per hour.

How many miles are in a minute if you are going 70 miles per hour?

1.16 miles per minute.

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40 mph = 40 miles in one hour or 0.6666666r miles per minute. 40 miles an hour = 2/3 mile a minute An hour per 40 miles = 1.5 minutes a mile = 90 seconds a mile

If a car is going 27 miles per hour how many meters will it travel in a minute?

To convert miles per hour to meters per minute, first convert 27 miles per hour to meters per hour by multiplying by 1609.34 (1 mile = 1609.34 meters). Then divide this value by 60 to get meters per minute. Therefore, a car going 27 miles per hour will travel approximately 24.14 meters in a minute.

How many mile can you go in a minute if you are going 70 miles an hour?

You can go 0.8 miles in one minute if you are traveling at an average speed of 70 miles per hour.

How long will it take for you to get to 38 miles going 70 miles per hour?

It will take 0.54 hour to cover 38 miles going by 70 miles per hour.

How many yards per minute is this if you are going 12 miles an hour?

If you are going 12 miles per hour, you are traveling at a speed of 704.73 yards per minute.

How many miles do you cover in 4 hours going 55 miles per hour?

Distance = rate * time. (55 miles/hour) * (4 hours) = 220 miles

If you are traveling sixty miles per hour how far will you go in 1 minute?

As there are 60 minutes in an hour, if you are going at 60 miles per hour then you are doing one mile in one minute.

What is one minute time or speed or distance?

In one minute, a car traveling at a speed of 60 miles per hour would cover a distance of 1 mile.

How many mph do you have to drive 21 miles and get there in 21 minutes?

If you have to cover 21 miles in 21 minutes, then you need to cover 1 mile every minute. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so if you kept that up for an hour, you'd cover 60 miles.