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Q: How many miles does a cargo ship travel in 1 day?
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How many days travel in cargo ship from japan to Chile?

3 months :)

How many days or weeks does it take a cargo ship to travel from Libya to Italy?

Depends on which port, and the speed of the ship, but ABOUT 3 days.

How many miles does the average container ship travel in a year?

214,000 miles

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How long does it take a cargo ship to travel from Ukraine on the Black Sea to China?

It depends upon rout & speed of that cargo ship

How long does it take a cargo ship to travel to Canada Halifax from Oxford England?

It takes a cargo ship traveling from Oxford, England to Halifax, Canada approximately 4 days, 2 hours to make the journey. The trip covers 2,831 miles.

How long does it take a cargo ship to travel from UK to the US?

It takes a cargo ship approximately 8 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes to travel from Shanghai, China to Felixstowe, England. The trip covers 5,659 miles.

How many places will a cargo ship stop before getting to Italy from nigeria?

The number of stops a cargo ship will make depends on how much cargo the ship has and how many places it has to deliver cargo.

How long for a cargo ship to travel from Dubai to England?

Depends on speed