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Q: How many miles does the average semi travel in a year?
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What is the Average miles driven per year for semi trucks?


What is average miles per gallon with a semi?

6-7 mpgs enjoy ur answer!

How many miles do semi-trucks drive in a day?

700 miles or 11 hrs

How can lee's bed travel further than the average family car?

lee's bed is in his sleeper. Lee is a semi driver.

What is the average gas milage of a semi?

Most semi trucks have Diesel engines and use Diesel fuel oil to operate. 6 to 7 miles per gallon is considered to be a fairly good average. Terrain and amount of load can affect this average abit.

If your semi gets 6.7 mpg how many miles do you get on 300 gallons?

You can go up to 2,010 miles at that rate.

How many miles can a semi go for?

I'll give you an estimate of 3 million miles to 4 million. :D

How many miles would a semi truck get on 6 miles to the gallon with a 150 gallon fuel tank?

6 MPG * 150 gal = 900 miles.

What distinguishes a semi tractor?

A semi-trailer is distinguished from other types of trailers by having no front axle. Semi-trailers are used to transport large quantities of goods over many hundreds of miles.

How many gallons of diesel does an average semi truck hold?

200 - 240 gallons.

What is the affect of travel for small child over 300 miles twice a month due to joint custody?

Small children travel with parents in semi trucks. It's far better than the alternative. see link

What is the average difference from Mars to the Sun in miles?

The semi-major axis, which is a sort of average (there are others) is 228 million kilometers or 1.524 AU. I'll leave it to you to convert that into non-standard units.The average distance is about 141.6 millionmiles.