There are 12 inches in one foot, so 18 feet is equal to 18 x 12 inches, which is 216 inches.
18 inches = 0.000284090909 miles.
1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches = 900 mm = 0.9 metres. 18*36=648 inches
18 inches = 45.72 centimetres.18 inches = 45.72 centimetres.18 inches = 45.72 centimetres.18 inches = 45.72 centimetres.
It is: 18 inches
18 miles = 1,140,480 inches
A cubit is generally considered to be about 18 inches.
There are 12 inches in one foot, so 18 feet is equal to 18 x 12 inches, which is 216 inches.
18 inches = 0.000284090909 miles.
35 square feet.
One and a half feet.
17.322836456879978 inches
One and a half (1.5) feet.
12 inches in 1 foot. So 18 inches = 1 foot and 6 inches 6 inches = half a foot. Therefore, 18" = 1.5'