Answer: 1 km = 0.621371 miles
The question is really "how many 1/4 mile segments in 8.3 miles" There are 33.2 1/4 mile in 8.3 miles.
If you mean how many 4 miles make 1 mile then 0.25 If you mean how many 0.4 miles make 1 mile then 2.5
About 62 miles We assume you mean 1 kilometre. That is 0.6214 miles.
1/3 of four miles is 1 1/3 miles.
1/3 of 210 miles is 70 miles.
1/3 x 42 = 14 miles.
Answer: 1/3 mi. = 536.394 m
No, 1 and 1 third inches is not greater than 45 inchesBut then again, 1 and 1 third miles is greater than 45 inches.
The answer depends on 1 third WHAT!
1760 feet is one third of a mile.
About 1 and 1/4 miles. (1.24905303 miles)
1.61 miles
1 miles = 1,609.344 meters
1 decimeter = 0.00006213 miles