737-100:1,770 mi, 737-200:2,600 mi, 737 classic: 2,800, 737 next generation: 6,340.
About 550 Miles per hour.
45.65 tons when empty.
Since its introduction in 1968, the Boeing 737 has been produced in nine variants. All of them have the same minimum reciprocal speed: 0.001838 hours per mile. All of the variants from the 737-100 to the 737-500 have the same cruising reciprocal speed: 0.002062 hours per mile. The 737 Next Generation variants ... the -600, -700, -800, and -900 ... have a lower reciprocal cruising speed: 0.001957 hours per mile.
The range of the Boeing 737 has increased with almost every model produced. Starting from the original 737-100 that first flew in 1968 with a range of 1,720 miles, many models increased speed and range. The latest model, the 737-900 now flies 3,400 miles. - Some specialised aircraft, such as the model -600 produced for SAS flew longer ranges, up to 4,500 miles at slightly reduced weights.
Multiplying speed by time gives 820 x 3 = 2460 kilometres.
3520 miles or 3060 nautical miles.
2 pilots can fit in the cockpit of the boeing 737
Assuming you mean Alaskan Airlines, their fleet consists of: Boeing 737-900 Boeing 737-900ER Boeing 737-800 Boeing 737-700 Boeing 737-400 Boeing 737-400 Combi Bombardier Q400 Bombardier CRJ-700
The Boeing 737 uses 6 tires. 4 in the back, and 2 for the nose.
The cruising speed of the Boeing 737 is 590 miles per hour. It cruises at altitudes as high as 37,000 feet. It is one of the oldest models of passenger aircraft in use today.The cruising speed of a Boeing 737 airliner is 485 miles per hour. This allows them to travel from New York to London in under 7 hours.
The Boeing 737 is assembled in Renton, WA
Bahamasair will get 3 Boeing 737-500 jets from Aerolíneas Argentinas.
About 550 Miles per hour.
Boeing 737-100
3,200 nautical miles (5,925 km) - two-class layout, 2,700 nautical miles - one class layout
Yes, the distance a Boeing 737 can travel is approximately 4603 miles. The distance from England to Turkey is well above 2440 miles.