around 130 miles per hour
it depends on your car.
(42 miles/hour) x (1 hour) or 42 miles.
35 miles
16 miles in 1/2 hour means 32 miles in a whole hour.
around 130 miles per hour
it depends on your car.
(42 miles/hour) x (1 hour) or 42 miles.
150 miles an hour
35 miles
An hour is 60 minutes, so the car would travel 16 x 6=96 mph (miles per hour)
well 40 miles per hour means that a car goes 40 miles in one hour... so if a car is going 80 miles in one hour and you divide the 80 and one hour by 2.. then you get 40 miles in 30 minures.. and the car is going 80 miles per hour.
16 miles in 1/2 hour means 32 miles in a whole hour.
If it is not moving, then forever.
It is traveling 510 miles per hour.
The faster car travels at 48 miles per hour The slower car travels at 36 miles per hour 48mph - 36mph = 12mph Therefore, the faster car travels 12 miles per hour faster than the slower car. Note that the question refers to the relative speeds of the cars and not the relative distances.
It's travelling at 44 miles per hour.