It has a maximum operational speed of 200 mph. The current trains could go faster but there are problems with noise pollution and braking distances as well as excessive wear of the overhead power cables.
It depends on how fast the train is moving! Speed is how far you travel in a certain amount of time, and you can pretty much go any speed up to around 270 miles per hour on different trains.You'll have to find out how fast the train is moving and figure it out - if the train is traveling X miles in one hour, then how many hours will it take to travel 45 miles?
A train traveling with an average speed of 55 miles per hour will take 8 hours 10 minutes & 54.545 seconds to travel 450miles. 450/55 = 8.1818181818181818181818181818182 hours
4 minutes is 1/15 of an hour. In one hour, the train would travel 30 miles. Multiply that by 1/15 to get 2 miles in 4 minutes.
120 x 8 = 960 miles.
The bullet train in Japan can travel 120 miles in 44 minutes. The train averages speeds of 164 miles per hour. But test speeds have been clocked at 275 miles per hour. France's line of conventional high-speed trains top that, though, with speeds topping out at 357 miles per hour.
The Fastest Train,which is a Bullet Train can travel 311 miles per hour according to the China Daily after a trial run. CSR Corp. is the train's manufacturer.
No, a bullet train does not travel faster than a bullet. A bullet can travel at speeds exceeding 1000 meters per second, while a bullet train typically travels at speeds ranging from 240-320 kilometers per hour.
No, a sneeze is not faster than a bullet. The speed of a sneeze is around 100 miles per hour, while a bullet can travel at speeds ranging from 1,700 to 3,000 miles per hour.
The fastest so far is the TGV in France, where a train reached about 357 mph for a limited time.Japan has the world record at 581km per hour. A modern Japanese Bullet Train can go 333km per hour. The french TGV can go at 343km per hour. But the fastest bullet train is the Chinese bullet train. It goes 487km per hour.
It will travel 498 miles.
35 miles an hour
60 miles an hour.
If the train is moving at 60 miles per hour, it will take about 66 hours.
It will travel 187 miles.
6 x 40 = 240 miles