A snail in England won a snail race being clocked at .0033 mph...so I'd have to say maybe .0025 would be about the norm for a non-racing snail?
0.03 mph
snails dont run ..
The garden snail is the fastest land snail. It can travel at a speed of 0.03 miles per hour. Snails are gastropods that move by crawling on a single foot.
127.38109440865345 Miles per Hour
20 miles per hour
0.03 mph
snails dont run ..
A "snail year" is 1.52 miles. A snail moving at a consistant pace travels 11 inches per hour.
A "snail year" is 1.52 miles. A snail moving at a consistant pace travels 11 inches per hour.
the speed of garden snail in kilometres per hour is 0.048 km/h
The garden snail is the fastest land snail. It can travel at a speed of 0.03 miles per hour. Snails are gastropods that move by crawling on a single foot.
I once had a snail that lived a bit over 3 years!
127.38109440865345 Miles per Hour
216,000 miles per hour.
Speed of a common Snail: Foot/second: 0.001 Km/hour: 0.003 Miles per hour: 0.004 or about one millimetre per second.
About 5.6 miles per hour.
70 miles per second is 252,000 miles per hour.