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There is no minimum speed requirement. The so called "escape velocity" applies to ballistic motion - that is, motion where there is no more force acting. If, instead, you had enough fuel to keep going, you could launch a craft to go to the moon at any speed you choose.

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Q: How many miles per hour does it take to get to the moon?
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How many days does it take to travel to the moon going 70 miles per hour?

At a distance of 238,900 miles from Earth, it would take you about 4.7 months to reach the moon at 70 miles per hour.

How long would it take to get to the moon in a space shuttle at 17500 miles per hour?

It would take approximately 3 days to travel from Earth to the Moon in a space shuttle moving at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour. This estimate accounts for the distance between the Earth and the Moon, which is about 238,855 miles on average.

How long would it take to get to the moon by car going 100 miles per hour?

There's no way that a car could travel to the moon, but let's do the math anyway.Average distance to the moon = 238,000 miles .(238,000 miles) / (100 miles per hour) = 2,380 hours = 99days 4hours

How long would it take to fly to the moon going 60 miles per hour?

About 5 months 2 weeks at 60 miles per hour.

How many hours will it take to drive 30 miles?

at the rate of 30 miles per hour it would take 1 hour. at the rate of 30 miles per hour it would take 1 hour.

How many minutes does it take to drive 6 miles?

If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.If you travel six miles an hour it will take 60 minutes.If you travel 60 miles an hour it will take 10 minutes.

How long would it take to reach the moon at 25000 miles per hour?

The average distance from the earth to the moon is approx 250000 miles. If you could travel to the moon at 25000 in a staright line, it would take 10 hours.

If you travel 65 miles per hour how long would it take you to reach the moon?

Using 238,900 miles as the distance to the moon the trip would take you about five months at 65 miles per hour. Now, imagine trying to reach the sun at 65 mph; the trip would take about 163 years.

How long would it take to get to the moon at 17000 miles per hour?

About 14 hours at 17,000 mph

How long would it take to drive to the moon at 70 miles per hour?

Approximately 220 days.

How many hours would it take to drive 239 miles?

At 60 miles an hour, 4. At forty miles an hour, 6.

How many hours will take to drive 80 miles at speed of 80 miles per hour?

one hour