Jupiter Ruler of the Gods. God of Sky, Lightning and Thunder. The son of Saturn and brother of Neptune, Pluto and Juno, who is also his wife. His attribute,The lightning bolt and his Symbol amnd mesenger the eagle. Jupiter was considered the Patron god of Rome, The official place of state business and sacrifices were in his temple.
Well, darling, it all depends on how fast you're moving those legs of yours. If you're strolling along like a leisurely turtle, it might take you a few hours. But if you're sprinting like Usain Bolt, you could knock it out in less than an hour. So, put on those running shoes and see how fast you can conquer those 10 miles!
2.7 meters per second is the same speed as 100 meters in 37 seconds. A person ... Usain Bolt ... has run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. If, in the person's state of hyper-adrenaline-fueled terror, he can run only 1/4 as fast as Usain Bolt, then he can outrun that lava. Just barely.
generally clean plastic is a good insulator, but it depends on the type plastic, the thickness (spacing) and the voltage you are trying to insulate against. For example a 1/4" thick piece of plastic will insulate about 1000 volts, but would not stop a lightning bolt from going right through it
Undo the bolt
Lightning bolts can travel up to 25 miles in length. The typical range is between 6 to 10 miles, but some exceptional bolts have been documented to travel much farther.
An average bolt of lightning is about 5 miles long.
A typical lightning bolt can strike from the cloud to the ground or within clouds for a distance of about 2 to 10 miles (3 to 16 kilometers). However, some lightning bolts can travel much farther, with certain extreme cases reaching up to 25 miles (40 kilometers) in length.
Light travels at about 343 meters per second in air. With a 2-second delay, the lightning strike would be approximately 686 meters away from you.
LIGHT travels at about 670,616,629.384 miles per HOUR, not per second!Converting m.p.h. to miles per second, then the approximate speed of light would be about 186,282 miles per second.IF lightning travels at the speed of light (which it doesn't!) then 186,282 miles in one second divided by the approximate circumference of the earth, i.e. 25,000 miles, equals 7.45, or say seven and a half times round the earth, or once every 1/7.45 = 0.13 seconds.However! Lightning does not travel as fast as light! It has been approximated that lightning, on average, travels at about half the speed of light. So, one continuous flash of lightning, in a tight circle close to the earth, could travel round the earth 3.725 times, approximately.-----------------------------------------Note: I agree the " tethering " of the cloud and the earth via the electrons and protons from each, does not travel at the speed of light.However; this connection between the two creates an "electrical bolt" which in turn creates a flash of light, which, as the name suggests, does travel at 300,000 kms/sec i.e. the speed of light.-------------------------------------------For more information, see 'Related questions' and 'Related links' below.
Lightning is the exchange of energy and plasma. According to scientist Bruce Steo, lightning moves at variable speeds. Lightning is in fact not light. But as the electronic plasma moves through charged air, it releases light waves. Depending on air conditions, the typical lightning bolt moves at 224,000 mph -- or about 3,700 miles per second.However, the light you see from the lightning obviously travels at the speed of light, which is roughly 670 million mph, or 186,000 miles per second.Lightening travels at 300,000 km per second which is the same speed as light.
The record for the longest lightning bolt is held by a bolt that stretched 199.5 miles across Oklahoma in 2007. It lasted for over 7 seconds.
The path that a lightning bolt travels through is called a lightning channel. Lightning channels can be several miles long and are formed when an electrical breakdown of air creates an ionized path for the current to flow through.
The cloud sends down electrons to the ground and when it finds a substance lightning can travel through than a discharge travels up to the cloud, the lightning. If you stand on rubber lightning wont discharge.
"Lightning Bolt" is the nickname for Usain Bolt
Yes, a lightning bolt can provide electricity because a lightning bolt is electricity.
Fulmen is the Latin word for lightning bolt.