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Q: How many millemeters are in 1 cm?
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How many centimeters are in 300 millemeters?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 cm=10 mm or 1mm=0.1 cm 300 mm30 cm

How many millemeters are in 1 meter?


How many Millemeters in a centimeter?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 cm=10 mm

How many centimeters are in 400 millemeters?

40 cm because in metrics you just divide by 10

About how many millemeters are in 5 centimeters?

50 millemeters exactly.

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How many millemeters are in 3 inches?

76.2 mm. There are 10 mm in a cm and 2.54 cm in an inch. Therefore 3 iches mulitplied by 2.54 is 7.62 cm and 7.62 cm multiplied by 10 is 76.2 mm.

How many many liters in 1200 millemeters?


Can you convert 2 millemeters to how many feet?

0.006561 feet

How many tablespoons in 10 millemeters?

None, millimetres is a measure of length.

65 millemeters is equal to how many kilometers?

65 millimeters = 0.000065 kilometers

How many millemeters equals 2.5 decimeters?

2.5 decimeters=250 millimeters