33000 33000
It would take 10 trillion pennies to make 10 billion dollars. This is a large amount of pennies. It would be enough to fill an entire 2,500 square foot house from top to bottom.
it takes 100,000,000 apples to fill a car
That sounds like an excellent math experiment - see how many quarters it takes to fill one inch of the can - then multiply out how many inches tall the can is so you can know about how many quarters it will take to fill the whole can!
33000 33000
One sun holds about 1,000,000 Earths. A billion is 1,000 millions so it would take about 1,000 suns to hold a billion Earths.
Yes, Millions/Billion(S) of years.
Millions and millions.
It would take 10 trillion pennies to make 10 billion dollars. This is a large amount of pennies. It would be enough to fill an entire 2,500 square foot house from top to bottom.
approx 3.2 billion.....based on amount of smarties per cubic feet and cubic feet of wembley ( 3.2 million)
200.000 billion
it takes 100,000,000 apples to fill a car
It takes 7 gallons to fill a entire tire!
One Billion!