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A thousand million makes a billion in the US.

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Q: How many millions go in a billion in the US?
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How many millions go in a billion in Australia?

A thousand millions = a billion in Australia.

How many one hundred millions go into fifty billion?


Does billion come before million in number placement?

no 1,000 millions is a billion go here,

How much billion are equal to 1 million?

a billion is more than a million. One thousand millions go into a billion. So, .001 Billions are equal to 1 million.

How many students go to college in the US?

More than 7000 like a million or a billion

How many times will 1 go into 7 billion?

7 billion ÷ 1 = 7 billion.

How many millions are in 5 billion?

Oh, dude, 5 billion has 5,000 million in it. So, like, if you're trying to impress someone with big numbers, you can totally drop that 5,000 million bomb on them. But seriously, who even needs that much money? Like, just give me a couple million and I'll be good to go.

In the US How many people go water rafting in every month?

daily thousands of people go for a water rafting.and millions of people in every month.

How much money is spent on tobacco products annually?

It would cost millions to ban tobacco from the US. Tobacco is the biggest public health threat that the US has ever had to face. About 200 billion dollars go to annual health care and kills about 435,000 people a year.

How many time would 3 million go into 8 hundred billion?

How many time would 3 million go into 8 hundred billion

How many times does a million go into a billion?


How many people want to go see twilight in theaters?

Probably millions and millions, there's no way to answer that.